Donald Jacob
- May 17
- 6 min
the constitution of the earth: A paradigm shift for humans and nature
By Donald Jacob | 12.5.2024 Imagine a world in which Earth exists not just as a blue planet in the vast universe, but as a living entity...
Donald Jacob
- Apr 7
- 3 min
What is the biggest obstacle to preventing ecological disaster?
→ The own agenda Hundreds of scientists, organizations, journalists and influential personalities have been contacted - with no response....
Donald Jacob
- Nov 29, 2023
- 4 min
Dear participants of COP 28, Dear friends and acquaintances
Haven't we all asked ourselves what really matters at the core? This reflection goes far beyond intellectual gimmicks and touches the...
Donald Jacob
- Oct 7, 2023
- 5 min
Science, Society, and the Tragedy of Inefficiency: Navigating a Specialized World
1/2023 by Donald Jacob Introduction: In the modern era, science and society have made remarkable advancements, leading to increased...
Donald Jacob
- Jul 10, 2023
- 2 min
Embracing a Constitution for Earth: A Global Call for Planetary Responsibility
by Donald Jacob,10.7.2023 In today's world, where environmental challenges continue to escalate, a paradigm shift is needed to address...
Donald Jacob
- Feb 6, 2023
- 6 min
founding act of the constitution for earth
Dear friends and participants from all over the world. For decades, institutions and people have been successfully working to protect...
Donald Jacob
- Jan 18, 2023
- 4 min
#ecology #what can we do?
Can art create spaces of possibility and profound points of leverage in society? and thus contribute to leaving the self-destructive...
Donald Jacob
- Sep 25, 2020
- 3 min
Für einen Vertrag der Menschen mit der Lebensgemeinschaft Erde Zusammenfassung | Januar 2020
MANIFEST Für einen Vertrag der Menschen mit der Lebensgemeinschaft Erde (Zusammenfassung | Januar 2020 | dj) Was hat ein fehlendes...