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founding act of the constitution for earth

Updated: Jul 10, 2023

Dear friends and participants from all over the world.

For decades, institutions and people have been successfully working to protect Nature at a local level.

Our Earth is a precious gift and it is in our interest to protect and preserve it. Air, water and animals know no boundaries. This is something that some find difficult to understand.

Everyone thinks first of their gardens, their land. But the fact is: the whole Earth is our garden! To take Nature conservation to a new level requires more than local initiatives.

Last December I had dinner with my sons and they introduced me to chatGPT. That prompted my interest and I thought, let's see what the artificial intelligence answers to the question:

"What is the most important action for the survival of humans on Earth?" This was the AI's answer:

"The most important action for the survival of humans on Earth is to protect the biosphere.

The biosphere is that part of the Earth which makes all life possible, including human life. It provides us with the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat. Human activities such as deforestation and pollution damage the biosphere and must be combated

so that future generations can enjoy the same benefits that we do." So even artificial intelligence thinks we should do something....

The prerequisite is for people to understand that the biosphere is the basis for everything we do. It is irreplaceable and of immeasure value.

That is why I would like here to call on the Nobel Prize Committee to award the Nobel Prizes this year not to human beings, but to Nature - to water, to air, to photosynthesis, in order to make people aware of the immeasurable value of Nature worldwide.

The media and politicians talk about a climate crisis. This trivialises what is in reality an ecological catastrophe, with devastating consequences. It is not taken seriously enough. What is needed is a global masterplan that makes it possible to take action worldwide

and thus achieve a truly sustainable impact.

We all have important things to do in our daily lives. But there is something that overrides everything else in importance. Without an intact biosphere we can do absolutely nothing.

This affects everyone, whether politically left or right, of whatever religion, of whatever country, whether young or old, man or woman. We are all part of the biosphere and are responsible for it.

Molière wrote:

"We are responsible not only for what we do, but also for what we do not do."

Today is a very special day. I welcome all the invited organisations, scientists and personalities who are could not be present today. This event is being streamed live around the world and offers everyone the opportunity to participate. All nations, religions or ethnic groups are invited. All are welcome to be among the Founding Mothers and Founding Fathers of the Constitution.

Only after two devastating world wars and unimaginable suffering was the Universal Declaration of Human Rights drawn up in 1948. It is one of the most important sources for many national constitutions and treaties affecting human rights.

We humans have an impact on the world. This went well for thousands of years; a good 200 years ago the nature of development changed drastically. We found coal and the industrial revolution was launched. Since then, environmental degradation has been going on at an unimaginable rate. Having spread all over the world, its results are mind-boggling.

But the very basis of life, Nature, has no voice of its own and therefore enjoys globally neither rights nor protection.

How big does the ecological catastrophe have to become before we act? We must put an end to the shielding of those who for decades - and without accountability - have amassed immeasurable wealth through extreme pollution. With some of this wealth, we can finance an ecological transformation.

The Constitution of the Earth lays the foundation for global environmental protection as a right. The idea is ultimately not new - many primitive peoples are fully aware of how to live in respect and harmony with Nature, but this knowledge has been lost to us in industrialised nations. The Constitution provides us with a compass for our behaviour as it affects Nature.

It is time for us, as a community, to create a constitution for the Earth that binds us as a global family and helps us to become aware of our responsibilities to protect our world for ourselves and for our children.

We are gathered here to celebrate together the founding of the Constitution of the Earth. In doing so, we are creating a universal document that can be recognised by all nations.

We have here a unique opportunity to underpin our cooperation and to begin a new era for us all. It is an act with symbolic power.

We all know that we face a number of challenges and that we have much work to do

to secure the future of our planet. But I am convinced that we can do it, if we all work together. We would have the knowledge, the people and the resources.

But only when we have declared the fight against the ecological catastrophe as our primary goal and have set this as an absolute priority will something change. That such is possible was demonstrated by the reaction to COVID. The biggest obstacles that we have to overcome are egotism and special interests. These succeed in preventing change.

With today's founding act, we are taking a first step towards overcoming these obstacles. This Constitution will give the Earth a voice of its own. It will help us to understand

that the Earth is the home to us all. It is based on the universal principles of human rights, justice and ecology. It provides the basis for rules that will enable us to protect and preserve our environment and natural resources. It applies equally to all and needs no president! That is the key to its success.

It can thus have a profound and guiding effect on research, the market economy and states, leading these in the direction of shared international responsibility. At the research level, this would lead to prioritising research into ecological solutions. At the market economy level, a circular economy would be brought about. At the national level, states would be required to respect the constitution in order to protect Nature. As well as being an historic moment, it also provides a glimmer of hope. It is a symbol that we can work together to protect the environment and secure the future of our planet. It is a seed from which our planet can become a livable and peaceable home for all.

Let us pull together. We can create a world that is sustainable and full of opportunity.

Let us start today to make that dream a reality.

As Albert Einstein wrote: "What can be imagined is also feasible."

If you agree, then let's found the Constitution of the Earth together now! We are only a few, but we are laying the foundation for many. We are making history here and now and in the future this moment will be seen as the beginning

of a comprehensive ecological and peaceful transformation.

Let us establish the Constitution of the Earth by acclamation now, for a hopeful future for us all! You are welcome to add your signature to the constitutional document.

Party of the Earth (non-profit association)

Donald Jacob, Basel 5 February 2023

We all know

that we face a number of challenges

and that we have a lot of work ahead of us

to secure the future of our planet.

But I am convinced

...that we can do it..,

if we all work together.

we have the knowledge,

we have the people

and we have the resources.

But it's only when we're able to combat

the ecological catastrophe

as the primary goal

and declare it an absolute priority,

will something change.

COVID showed us that this is possible.

The biggest obstacle

that we have to overcome is the ego,

and the particular interests

that successfully prevent change.

With today's founding act

we take the first step

to overcome this prevention.

This constitution will give the Earth a voice of its own.

It will help us to understand

that the Earth is the home of us all.

It is based on the universal principles of human rights,

justice and ecology.

It is the basis for rules

...that will enable us..,

our environment and natural resources

protect and preserve our environment and natural resources.

It applies equally to all

and does not need a president!

That is its success factor.

In this way, it can have a profound and guiding effect

on research, market economy and states,

in the direction of a common

international responsibility.

At the research level, this would lead to

priority research into ecological solutions.

At the market economy level, the circular economy would be created.

At the state level, states would be required to,

comply with the Constitution in order to protect nature.

This is not only a historic moment,

but also a ray of hope.

It is a symbol that we can work together to

to protect the environment and safeguard the future of

and secure the future of our planet.

This is a seed from which our planet can be

a livable and peaceful home

for all.

Let us pull together.

We can create a world

that is sustainable and full of opportunity.

Let's start today,

to make this dream a reality.

"What is imaginable

Is also doable" Albert Einstein

If you agree, then

let's found the constitution of the earth together now!

We are only a few,

but we lay the foundation for many.

We write history here and now

and in the future one will grasp this moment

as the beginning

of a comprehensive ecological and peaceful transformation.

Let us found the Constitution of the Earth by acclamation now,

for a hopeful future for all of us!

You are welcome to put your mark on the constitutional document.

Party of the Earth (non-profit association)

Donald Jacob, Basel February 5, 2023

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