Can art create spaces of possibility and profound points of leverage in society? and thus contribute to leaving the self-destructive civilizational path?
The art has always operated with prompting, positively virulent.
Art has many faces from intellectualized, with ideational content to subjugation for saleability. It can be unpleasant, evocative or pleasant, meaningless, decorative. Then the art loses its challenging character, its critical potential.
A potential that is not bound to norms and scientific facts or legislation. In the search for truth, the look behind the facade lies a chance to expand the existing consciousness with new impulses. These impulses have an enlightening effect since the Rennaisance.
This is meaningful for the society however only if it brings improvements with itself.
Subdue the earth had consequences.
Shouldn't we rather see ourselves as part of the community of life and enjoy, cherish and care for this paradise in partnership? Is mankind about to grow up and take responsibility for the biosphere? Or has the human experiment failed?
The visual artist who dares to develop a utopia is ironically ridiculed at the time of the creation of his work, only to be recognized later as a visionary or prophet. This is the classic avant-garde position, of art that looks ahead and is positioned in the future.
If the realization is true that our society needs change because it is destroying nature as our partner then critical spirits are needed who are particularly sensitive to ecology.
How do you feel about the climate issue.
The COP 27 with 40'000! participants from 200 countries came to an end. And what came out of it?
The COP 27 was a disappointment because the negotiations could not reach an agreement on concrete climate protection measures.
I developed the idea of a Constitution of the Earth. The constitution represents a positive, powerful tool for policy.The Earth Constitution seeks to reconcile people's beliefs and values with the need to implement climate action. This approach offers a new perspective that goes beyond the current climate negotiations and seeks a long-term solution to climate change. The constitutional discussion can raise people's awareness so that global climate action can actually be implemented in the coming years. The founding act of the Earth Constitution is a significant initiative that aims to create a global constitution that lays global foundations for a just and sustainable world that serves as a framework for global actors and institutions. The founding act of the Earth Constitution is intended to be a framework to help ensure that the entire community of life in the biosphere, around the world can live in a just and sustainable way.
1. it is a historical event of great importance for humanity.
2. it is a foundation for humanity to work together in a global community to achieve common goals and live together in peace.
3. it is an event that will unite and unify the global community.
4. it is an event that will encourage people to work towards a better future.
5. it will play an important role in the development of a global governance system.
6. it will be a symbol of solidarity and mutual respect.
7. it will establish a foundation of international law and order that applies to all people.
8. it will help to protect humanity from environmental disasters and other global problems.
9. it will be a symbol of hope and progress for the future of mankind.
By signing the constitution, you are taking the first step towards a peaceful change of the existing system that has led us into this catastrophe. First it is individuals, then organizations, companies, small communities, cities and finally whole countries - the goal is that every country on this planet signs this constitution.
what personal commitment is needed to make the founding act of the constitution of the earth a success?
To make the founding act of the Earth Constitution a success will require a high level of personal commitment from people. This includes a willingness to work to implement the goals of the Constitution, to participate in debates, and to engage in actions to implement the Constitution. People must also be willing to support others who contribute to the implementation of the constitution. Another important commitment is to raise awareness of the need to protect and promote the global ecosystem and the importance of its protection.
That is why you should be present at the founding act of the Constitution of the Earth. The Founding Act of the Earth Constitution is an important event that concerns the future of the planet. If you can be there, you can actively participate in the process of laying the foundation for Earth's future. You can contribute ideas, play a role in developing Earth's constitution, and cast your vote on an issue that is important to you. It's a unique opportunity to be in a unique community and be a part of the story of making the planet a better place.
Donald Jacob
January 2023