Statutes of the association
Constitution of Earth
based in Basel
Association statutes
I. Constititution of Earth
Under the name “Constitution of Earth” there is an association within the meaning of Art. 60 ff. ZGB with its seat in Basel
The association is non-profit, politically and denominationally neutral.
The association "Constitution of Earth" is a federation of individuals, groups, movements and organizations that are active on the local to international level and that support the purpose of the association.
The association "Constitution of Earth" is independent of economic interests, racist considerations, social classes, political directions and gender-neutral, nation-state-neutral, and religion-neutral. The association "Constitution of Earth" wants to be a lobby for the earth and its entire community. With its goals, the association "Constitution of Earth" strives to overcome the conventional left-right scheme - to act based on content and not to pursue any particular interests.
II. Purpose
The association "Constitution of Earth" wants to give the entire community on earth a voice and to bring about a contract between the people and the entire community of the earth, which protects the existence of the current community on the basis of ecological laws and is superior to humans.
The manifest of 1.1.2020 specifies this article and forms the guideline for the activities of the association.
Through cooperation with organizations and personalities, the association supports all efforts to promote the goals described in the manifesto. The association organizes campaigns and can mandate companies to implement these campaigns.
III. medium
To pursue the purpose of the association, the association has the contributions of the members as well as charitable donations. The membership fees are set annually.
IV. Membership
Any natural individual, legal person, group, movement or organization who has a sincere interest in supporting and realizing the purpose of the association, ideally supports projects of the association and pays the annual membership fee can become an active member with voting rights.
Any natural or legal person who has a sincere interest in supporting and realizing the purpose of the association and pays the annual membership fee can become a passive member without voting rights.
Applications for admission must be sent to the association online; Acceptance is decided upon by the board.
A fair representation of the sexes in their mandates, organs and delegations is sought.
Every member can withdraw from the association at any time after giving written notice to the president. The contributions for the current year remain in the possession of the association.
Membership fee
Membership in the “Constitution of Earth” association is free, and a contribution is welcome.
Database and data protection
The association "Constitution of Earth" maintains a membership database. The data will be treated confidentially and will not be passed on to third parties.
V. Termination of Membership
Membership expires
- in the case of natural persons through resignation, exclusion or death.
- in the case of legal persons through resignation, exclusion or dissolution.
VI. Resignation and exclusion
Active members can resign in writing at the end of the year. Passive members can leave the association at any time.
A member can be excluded from the association at any time without giving a reason. The board of directors makes the exclusion decision; the member can take the exclusion decision to the General Assembly.
VII. Organs of the association
The organs of the association are:
a) the General Assembly
b) the board of directors
c) the auditors
VIII. The General Assembly
The supreme body of the association is the general assembly. An ordinary general assembly takes place annually.
Members are invited in writing to the General Assembly three weeks in advance by email, with the agenda attached.
The general assembly has the following tasks:
a) Election or deselection of the board of directors and the auditor
b) Establishing and amending the Articles of Association
c) Approval of the annual accounts and the auditor's report and Dechargé
d) Decision on the annual budget
e) Determination of the membership fee
Each active member has one vote at the General Assembly; resolutions are passed with a simple majority. The president has the casting vote
IX. The board of directors
The board consists of at least 3 people, namely the president, vice-president and the accounting officer.
The board represents the association externally and conducts the day-to-day business.
The president has the casting vote.
The board of directors defines the overriding orientation of the association “Constitution of Earth”.
In particular, the following competencies:
defining the strategy for the national and international campaign
the party's program, the content
the coordination of member recruitment, fundraising and the visual appearance
The board of directors can delegate some of these competencies.
X. The auditors
The general assembly annually elects an auditor who checks the bookkeeping and carries out a spot check at least once a year.
XI. signature
The president and the accounting officer have individual signatures.
XII. liability
Only the association's assets are liable for the association's debts. A personal liability of the members is excluded.
XIII. Change of statutes
The present statutes can be changed if three quarters of the members present agree to the proposed change.
XIV. Dissolution of the association
The dissolution of the association can be decided by a qualified majority if three quarters of all members attend the meeting.
If less than three quarters of all members attend the meeting, a second meeting must be held within two months. At this meeting, the association can also be dissolved with a simple majority if less than three quarters of the members are present.
If the association is dissolved, the association's assets go to a tax-exempt organization that pursues the same or a similar purpose. The distribution of the association's assets among the members is excluded.
XV. Come into effect
These statutes were adopted at the founding meeting on April 20, 2020 and came into force on this date.